Janet Blumenthal Artist Bio
Janet Blumenthal discovered Alcohol Inks and was immediately addicted to their bold, brilliant and iridescent color. She begins the process with a clean white tile or canvas. Then place a few drops of alcohol on the tile with a few drops of the ink. Moving the ink with movement and her breath. Continuing the process until the tile is entirely covered. The artwork is then followed with a coat of Resin to seal and enhance the depth beauty and brilliance of the alcohol inks. No paint brushes are used in this process. This is symbolically letting go in both her art and my life on a spiritual level. These vibrant works of art are created in a meditative state, born of spontaneity, love of color and letting the alcohol inks run in complete abandon.
Blumenthal has found joy and relaxation in the abstract beauty of this process. Each piece of art is completely spontaneous and born of artistic inspiration… or IN SPIRIT.
Each piece of art is a one-of-a-kind unique piece of joy and inspiration.
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