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AAA Amethyst with transparent Agate Border from Minas Gerais Brazil on rotating base/ stand
On a physical level, Amethyst also associated with healthy cell regeneration, encouraging soothing sleep and rest, and promoting hormonal balance. As Amethyst helps balance metabolism and positively serves the endocrine system, the body finds its inner harmony and doesn’t go too crazy on the cortisol production – which dramatically cuts down on stress and tension. Along with all of this, the purplish hue of Amethyst also ensures that the body, mind and soul remain cleansed and detoxified. For those who struggle with a foggy head or migraines, then Amethyst can also help clear those clouds away.
For those who struggle to cut down on their drinking, Amethyst encourages the wearer to keep a sober mind. It’s a stone that serves as a reminder that luminous thoughts and a level head are needed for making the right choices in life and that by muddying the mind, it can be tricky to see the path that makes the most sense.
A beautiful purple boost to the immune system; the Amethyst gemstone is also known for its staggering ability to help the body become fighting fit and to fend off ailments and diseases that wreak havoc on a person’s health and wellbeing. By lending a purifying nature to the blood and effectively reducing stress and anxiety levels, the immune system takes a boost meaning everything from the respiratory system to the skin can find higher levels of power to heal.
Finally, for those who suffer the physical challenge of falling into a delicious dark and restful slumber, having Amethyst close by during the wind-down hours of sleep can also ensure that the wearer doesn’t stay up all night. A stone known for aiding the struggle of insomnia, Amethyst amazes with its ability to bring plentiful rest and power.